
One thing that kind of surprised me in the aftermath of the 7th July 2005 bombing atrocities was the relative lack of coverage given by the media to the irony that the "bus" bomb in Tavistock Square exploded less than about 30 metres from a statue of Mahatma Ghandi. Ghandi, who probably had more to complain against Westerners about than many of the 1st- and 2nd-generation Westerners that actually murdered all the poor souls on 7/7, espoused the principles of non-violent direct action.
I went down to Tavistock Square recently to pay my respects at the memorial plaque outside the British Medical Association building where so many good people helped the first officers and paramedics on scene to look after the living, injured and dying in the charnel-house that the murderers created, and I then wandered over to the statue to ponder upon what Mr Ghandi would likely have made of that day.
I doubt he'd have been impressed. But then he too was murdered by extremists. It seems we really are doomed to repeat history.
I doubt he'd have been impressed. But then he too was murdered by extremists. It seems we really are doomed to repeat history.
I totally agree with your sentiments. Great Blog - keep em coming. New link to you on my Blog.
At least the bus blew up next to a building full of doctors who were experts in triage and emergency trauma.
Its a downside to our tolerant culture that people don't realise how good they have because they're allowed to complain so much.
Earlier today, a colleague of mine was pissing in the doorway of a bookshop.
It's the beginning of social anarchy when a cop pisses on a bookshop!!!
This is an excellent post, sir! I found it via Lia's blog and am most thankful that I followed her link. I shall certainly return to your blog again.
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