What shall we do with a drunken sailor?

Oh wait, if they're drunk and we deal with them, we have a duty of care, and how are they supposed to understand that they've been given a ticket when they're drunk? They might not even find the ticket until weeks later when the dry cleaner tries to chip off the pop-rivetted vomit and blood off their soiled jackets. And what then if they die in a pool of their own vomit/slobber in the gutter and during the search of the body or at autopsy they find a PND? Surely the officer will have looked to protect the health of this poor innocent, not send them on their way with a non-judicial punishment and a friendly "lets be having you"?
So no PNDs should be issued for drunkenness in the street. So we arrest, take back to custody and stay off the streets for the next 6 hours booking the drunken tosser in, completing notes, avoiding the barbed comments and basilisk stares of the custody skipper for bringing a smelly, pissy drunk into his or her custody "suite". Er no. Even with half-hourly rousing, the custody skipper doesn't want somebody who really has a medical condition (poor little bunny) when they should be being checked by an ambulance crew or hospital at very least.
So you call an ambulance. Of course, the reason you wanted to give them the PND in the first place was because they were being rowdy and drunk or drunk and incapable. Particularly in the former case, the amby crew turn up and "refuse to take" because Mr or Ms Pissy-Drunk swears too much at them or imagines that one of them tried to spill their pint, or their fluorescent WKD (if they're classy!).
So we're left in the street with Mr/s Pissy-Drunk to whom we have a duty of care. The ambulance and hospital don't want them as they get enough vomit and assaults and don't need any more, the custody sergeant (or puffed-up civilian substitute depending on your force area) don't want them as they don't actually want the super-special attention that a DIC would give them, we can't mug them off with an "instant" fine in the street which is what the poxy tickets were designed for in the first place in case they die on us (because *I* don't want a DIC on my record either, thanks very much!).
In fact there are SO many restrictions on the issue of PNDs that they are largely now issued from custody, for those occasions when the CPS are too spineless to actually charge someone but we think they should get something at least (so then, most prisoners, as Mr/s Pissy-Drunk always seems to get dealt with by Mr/Ms Pissy-Pants the Prosecutor).
The licensing laws have also, of course, changed so that instead of this all taking place late at night, it can now also happen at Stupid O' Clock every morning, including Sundays.
So again I have to ask: what SHALL we do with the drunken sailor, earleye in the morning?
[Probably ignore them]
PND = Penalty Notice for Disorder
DIC = Death in Custody
CPS = Couldn't Prosecute Satan
Perfectly put: that's exactly the problem I have with PNDs as well and why we never issue them on the street either. They also seemed to be ideal for our younger 'customers', until you read that they cannot be given to anyone under 16, or under 18 if they cannot pay (so that's about 90% of them!).
In Moscow they used to be hauled off to a big cold, communal cell with a slightly sloping floor.
They were then soaked with a water hose and left until the morning.
Results: drunks thought twice about getting drunk next time...although some died due to the cold and/or intoxicated state they were in. (I,d call it collateral damage).
People caught drunk and incapable in the street or causing a nuisance through drink should be named in the local papers.
In the cold light of day they would realise the consequences if their wife/husband/boss/family saw what they had done.
Oh? This is new to me. I do not know about it. You did very well. Wish you a nice day.
Uhm. You say true. I think so. Wish you good luck.good night.
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Perfectly put: that's exactly the problem I have with PNDs as well and why we never issue them on the street either. They also seemed to be ideal for our younger 'customers', until you read that they cannot be given to anyone under 16, or under 18 if they cannot pay (so that's about 90% of them!).itunes card instantNaples Florida Realtor
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Results: drunks thought twice about getting drunk next time...although some died due to the cold and/or intoxicated state they were in. (I,d call it collateral damage).
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Johnson is best known for publishing the works of radical thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft, William Godwin, and Joel Barlow as well as religious Dissenters such as Joseph Priestley, Anna Laetitia Barbauld, and Gilbert Wakefield.In the 1760s, Johnson established his publishing business, which focused primarily on religious works. He also became friends with Priestley and the artist Henry Fuseli—two relationships that lasted his entire life and brought him much business. In the 1770s and 1780s, Johnson expanded his business, publishing important works in medicine and children's literature as well as the popular poetry of William Cowper and Erasmus Darwin.franchise business planningborse da tennis
Evening DressesBuy Wholesale ShoesIn Moscow they used to be hauled off to a big cold, communal cell with a slightly sloping floor.
They were then soaked with a water hose and left until the morning.
Results: drunks thought twice about getting drunk next time...although some died due to the cold and/or intoxicated state they were in. (I,d call it collateral damage).
This comment has been removed by the author.
So we're left in the street with Mr/s Pissy-Drunk to whom we have a duty of care. The ambulance and hospital don't want them as they get enough vomit and assaults and don't need any more, the custody sergeant (or puffed-up civilian substitute depending on your force area) don't want them as they don't actually want the super-special attention that a DIC would give them, we can't mug them off with an "instant" fine in the street which is what the poxy tickets were designed for in the first place in case they die on us (because *I* don't want a DIC on my record either, thanks very much!). decoratieve raamfolieklitoris & vagina
cellulari dual simRechtsanwalt SiegenPerfectly put: that's exactly the problem I have with PNDs as well and why we never issue them on the street either. They also seemed to be ideal for our younger 'customers', until you read that they cannot be given to anyone under 16, or under 18 if they cannot pay (so that's about 90% of them!).
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Uhm. You say true. I think so. Wish you good luck.good night.
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