Nest-featherers feather nests

I've paraphrased this of course. And yes, I do really have to.
We also mustn't be nasty or political or reference any cases (well duh for that last point! Some of my best stories are awaiting a suitable time period to have elapsed so as further to sanitise them...). However, political is one of those deliciously fuzzily-defined words and I choose to adhere to the (lawful? really?) curtailment of my speech on political grounds by empirically slagging off all idiots, cross-party, with no political bias whatsowhatso. I hate 'em all. They are all equally inept.
Their latest fiddle (whilst Rome's housing estates, healthcare and criminal justice systems all burn) is to vote THEMSELVES a lovely big pay-rise. Not an overt payrisey sort of payrise, that they'd have to quote openly on the "Nest-feathering" section of their websites (of which more later), but a quieter, harder-to-find benefit.
Firstly, last December, some of them reportedly wrote to their Senior Salaries Review Board to request, cap-in-hand a meagre and humble 66% payrise. What? A WHAT? Yup, a SIXTY-SIX PER CENT PAY RISE. Even quality newspapers like the Torygraph (oops again, perhaps some political bias might be evident there...) I mean Telegraph, report that during 2006 MPs' renumeration in its various forms rose by £13m. Again, yes that's right THIRTEEN MILLION POUNDS - about $25m for any US readers - whipped from our taxes.
The year before that, they had their snouts in the trough looking for 22% for themselves. Now the poor underpaid lambs want a further £10,000 per year towards their websites??! The darlings are only on a measley £60k average. Oh yeah, there's the small matter of (averaged) £131k each and the numerous directorships, heavily subsidised cafés, heavily subsidised BARS, their spiffy pensions. In fact, ever wondered why so many UK politicians are so fat? If you've ever been to one of their canteens (as I have) you'll understand - you'd run out of intestinal volume long before you ran out of money. Some of the many benefits they receive are listed here; in case that's a subjective source, go to their own site, here (and references therein). If they are also a member of a devolved parliament they receive an EXTRA £11k - 18k on top of their £60k (just to pi55 off the English!).
Police had to fight and go to arbitration this year to get a mean 3% - bodes ill for next year when we'll have a real fight on.
Nurses have just received a sub-inflationary pay rise of 1.9% per year.
But then they can't vote for their own pay rises, can they?