25 November 2007

Night of the Long Batons

"His position is unsustainable, I think he should resign," he said. "I was removed from my job when the 'kiss and tell' happened and the reason I was given was that I, rather than the policing of Lambeth, had become the story. Ian Blair has become the story. London would be safer with someone else in charge."
Reported in the Torygraph, this has come from the controversial former policeman Brian Paddick, now shamelessly courting the media in an attempt to become the first Liberal Democrat mayor of London in place of "Ken le-Rouge". I know he's not in harness any more, having now handed in his warrant card on retirement, but Mr Paddick has been showing unseemly haste to stick the knife into his former Governor, Sir Ian Blair, whatever their differences.
One would have thought that the very reason he himself was moved post, in rather a shoddy way, would have given him some empathy for Mr Blair - surely to resign or be moved purely on the basis that one has become the main story in the witless cacklings of the press and TV media is the very reason why it would be such a dangerous precedent? The media, who are - of course - just looking for headlines, sales and ratings rather than making editorial decisions on any moral or ethical basis, would be foaming themselves with joy if their recent bullying actually scored a scalp in the person of Mr Blair. Now Mr Paddick himself is encouraging such knee-jerk behaviour. Shame on him.
If gives me no pleasure to say this - I've never been much of a fan of Mr Paddick, being as he is a bit of an embarassment to many gay officers - he's set our equality back years - but I am no fan of Mr Blair either, and suffer a wonky warrant card on the basis that it's still got Mr Stevens' signature on it (mature, I know) and I don't want it changed.
However, for Mr Blair to resign on the basis of a witch-hunt, and the moronically skewed hind-blindness of a lot of civilians who know nothing about duty and life-and-death pressures, because of the tragedy of multiple unfortunate happenstances that ended in the shooting of J-C de Menezes, would be a (further) gross error for the police service.
The Metropolitan Police Authority's Libdems and Tories have - predictably - tried to exert pressure to give him the elbow, in a blatent blurring of the separation of justice and politics (inasmuch as we can say that separation ever really existed!). With his usual paucity of thought or originality, David "Dave" Cameron has stated he wants police "chiefs" to be elected as in the USA - great news for short-term, knee-jerk policing goals! Not such great news for justice! No surprises then that Mr Paddick, now leapt onto the political bandwagon himself, should embrace any views that increase the influence of populist politicians into this morass.
Let's not make any long-term policing plans at all any more - let's just massage the egos of whatever politicians have been elected to rule us, with no more sense of duty than they have integrity and transparency in their expenses returns, and enact their vanity projects instead of striving constantly to protect the people we're appointed to, and have sworn and avowed to, protect!
Listening to the views around my nick in the London BOCU of Happiness is an interesting experience nowadays. Never have I heard so much, grudging, unwilling, reluctantly enthusiastic support for our Commissioner.
I still wouldn't be upset if he retired tomorrow. He'd have been hoist on his own petard, having himself encouraged too much of politics into policing already - and look how that's bitten him on the nose. But not for this, and not because a disloyal former officer with a personal grudge and political ambitions has wished for it.


Blogger Annette said...

Sorry this isn't about your blog but I have seen your comment about TUPC.
He is still blogging, and you can get his site on:
Totally-un pc.blogspot.com
If this doesn't work go to a blog (police ones) and just click on his name. Any blog site will do, as he usually has a lot to say!!!

27 November, 2007 20:47  
Blogger TotallyUn-Pc said...

Hello? whats this? you been looking for me?
I heven't ben updating much as I'm out of town during the week and don't have time at weekends to catch up on blogs.

Regarding Paddick, i think its safe to say that he did quite well under Blair. And you're right, it is a disgrace that the worms turns so quickly. We all remembber when Paddick was under suspicion for allowing his home to be used for taking drugs... a clear offence which was white washed. Revealing official secrets to his lover.... again a blatant offence, and for making inflamatory anti policy remarks on his web site... which ultimately cost him his post!

I say post, because his job, even as a commander, was then improved as in tru Met tradition, they promoted him out of trouble to a DAC. Then he retired just before another shitstorm approached.
He would diabolical for London, not for being gay, to that I couldn't care less... but for being a charmless, gutless creep and liar!

02 December, 2007 12:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir / Madam
I am writing to inform you of a New Defence and Security Organisation, The UK National Defence Association recently established in the Uk and headed by Senior Members of the Armed Forces, the aim of said Organisation is to Lobby for Better funding for our Armed Services so that they may better be able to Protect this country and Its People.
Would you be willing to Link to this Organisations website (details Below) and would you be willing to forward the Link on to any / all of your contacts.
Membership is Open to ALL Uk Citizens, concerned about matters of security.
Thank you
Founding Paper.
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Also, can you support this worthy cause, send a Pressie to our Brave Troops, sent to fight a
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Could you Post out to all your contacts, asking them to do the same.

05 December, 2007 14:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....but for being a charmless, gutless creep and liar!"

A politician then?

I also worked for Paddick when he was an Inspector and the above statement fits him perfectly.

20 December, 2007 15:12  
Blogger Clayton Cramer said...

Police chiefs in the U.S. (who supervise urban police departments) are generally NOT elected. They are appointed by the city government. Sheriffs (who supervise what are usually the rural parts of the county, with a few exceptions, such as Los Angeles County) are usually elected.

16 July, 2008 19:31  
Blogger sunghajung said...

Cyathus is a genus of fungi in the Nidulariaceae, a family collectively known as the bird's nest fungi. They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing spores. The "eggs", or peridioles, are firmly attached to the inner surface of this fruit body by an elastic cord of mycelia known as a funiculus. The 45 species are widely distributed throughout the world and some are found in most countries, although a few exist in only one or two locales.
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01 February, 2012 23:03  
Blogger hungech said...

Stercoreus is considered endangered in a number of European countries. Species of Cyathus are also known as splash cups, which refers to the fact that falling raindrops can knock the peridioles out of the open-cup fruit body. The internal and external surfaces of this cup may be ridged longitudinally (referred to as plicate or striate); this is one example of a taxonomic characteristic that has traditionally served to distinguish between species.
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01 February, 2012 23:40  
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02 February, 2012 02:49  
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03 February, 2012 23:48  
Blogger hoyduadoi said...

The amount of material in the forest floor depends on the balance between inputs from litter production and outputs from decomposition, and amounts also reflect the site's disturbance history. Both litter production and decomposition are functions of the site (e.g., wet versus dry; cold versus warm; nutrient rich versus nutrient poor) and the vegetation that occupies the site (e.g., conifer versus broadleaf). A site's forest floor is determined by its areal weight, depth, and nutrient content. Typically, forest floors are heaviest and deepest in boreal forests and mountain forests where decomposition rates are slow. In contrast, the lightest and thinnest forest floors usually occur in tropical rain forests where decomposition rates are rapid, except on white sands where nutrients could not be supplied from mineral weathering.
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04 February, 2012 23:18  
Blogger hungech said...

The term Grass Parakeet (or Grasskeet) refers to a large number of small Australian parakeets native to grasslands such as Neophema and Princess Parrot. The Australian rosellas are also parakeets. Many of the smaller, long-tailed species of lories may be referred to as lorikeets.The term Ringnecked Parakeet refers to a species of the Psittacula genus native to Africa and Asia that is popular as a pet and has become feral in many cities. It should not be confused with the Australian Ringneck.
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05 February, 2012 22:59  
Blogger hungech said...

In his Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics (1929) and Rabelais and His World (1965), Bakhtin likens the carnivalesque in literature to the type of activity that often takes place in the carnivals of popular culture. In the carnival, as we have seen, social hierarchies of everyday life—their solemnities and pieties and etiquettes, as well as all ready-made truths—are profaned and overturned by normally suppressed voices and energies. Thus, fools become wise, kings become beggars; opposites are mingled (fact and fantasy, heaven and hell).
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11 February, 2012 10:40  
Blogger uknowme said...

Listening to the views around my nick in the London BOCU of Happiness is an interesting experience nowadays. Never have I heard so much, grudging, unwilling, reluctantly enthusiastic support for our Commissioner.
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15 February, 2012 09:40  
Blogger apple said...

He is still blogging, and you can get his site on:
Totally-un pc.blogspot.com
If this doesn't work go to a blog (police ones) and just click on his name. Any blog site will do, as he usually has a lot to say!!!acupunctuurstardbroke island accommodation

15 February, 2012 17:45  
Blogger apple said...

Sorry this isn't about your blog but I have seen your comment about TUPC.
He is still blogging, and you can get his site on:
Totally-un pc.blogspot.com
If this doesn't work go to a blog (police ones) and just click on his name. Any blog site will do, as he usually has a lot to say!!!itunes card instantNaples Florida Realtor

15 February, 2012 17:51  
Blogger apple said...

Dear Sir / Madam
I am writing to inform you of a New Defence and Security Organisation, The UK National Defence Association recently established in the Uk and headed by Senior Members of the Armed Forces, the aim of said Organisation is to Lobby for Better funding for our Armed Services so that they may better be able to Protect this country and Its People.
Would you be willing to Link to this Organisations website (details Below) and would you be willing to forward the Link on to any / all of your contacts.Accident InsuranceMOTHER MARY

16 February, 2012 11:10  
Blogger apple said...

Cyathus is a genus of fungi in the Nidulariaceae, a family collectively known as the bird's nest fungi. They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing spores.detox foot bathmarriage affairs

16 February, 2012 16:07  
Blogger apple said...

Would you be willing to Link to this Organisations website (details Below) and would you be willing to forward the Link on to any / all of your contacts.
Membership is Open to ALL Uk Citizens, concerned about matters of security.
Thank you
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16 February, 2012 16:28  
Blogger apple said...

They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing spores. The "eggs", or peridioles, are firmly attached to the inner surface of this fruit body by an elastic cord of mycelia known as a funiculus. The 45 species are widely distributed throughout the world and some are found in most countries, although a few exist in only one or two locales.v

16 February, 2012 16:45  
Blogger apple said...

Both litter production and decomposition are functions of the site (e.g., wet versus dry; cold versus warm; nutrient rich versus nutrient poor) and the vegetation that occupies the site (e.g., conifer versus broadleaf). A site's forest floor is determined by its areal weight, depth, and nutrient content. Typically, forest floors are heaviest and deepest in boreal forests and mountain forests where decomposition rates are slow.article writing serviceSmall Business Website

16 February, 2012 16:46  
Blogger apple said...

Regarding Paddick, i think its safe to say that he did quite well under Blair. And you're right, it is a disgrace that the worms turns so quickly. We all remembber when Paddick was under suspicion for allowing his home to be used for taking drugs... a clear offence which was white washed. Revealing official secrets to his lover.... again a blatant offence, and for making inflamatory anti policy remarks on his web site... which ultimately cost him his post!
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18 February, 2012 09:14  
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18 February, 2012 09:20  
Blogger apple said...

Stercoreus is considered endangered in a number of European countries. Species of Cyathus are also known as splash cups, which refers to the fact that falling raindrops can knock the peridioles out of the open-cup fruit body. The internal and external surfaces of this cup may be ridged longitudinally (referred to as plicate or striate); this is one example of a taxonomic characteristic that has traditionally served to it support companiesbest article writing service

18 February, 2012 09:22  
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19 February, 2012 17:54  
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25 February, 2012 06:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom regretted the incident and expressed its condolences to the "families of the victims" and the "emergency agencies that are still working to aid" those in the accident.[17] The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico sent its condolences to the "sister country of Argentina" and hoped for the "speedy recovery of the families and those injured."[18] Pope Benedict XVI sent his condolences.vestidos de novia valenciaFisher Space pens

26 February, 2012 11:25  
Blogger yeu_yeu said...

re spaced about ten miles apart and they made good bivy spots for us. They were just three sided structures with a roof and a place to build a fire if needed. I found an empty shelter with a fire going and decided to take my first rest break of the race. It was about midnight and I decided to just do a "shiver-bivy" or "shivabiv" as Eric called it. Instead of getting into my sleeping bag, I would just put on my down coat and sleep by the fire until it died down and I would wake when I started to shiver. This was a good plan, except instead of just shivering, both of my calves cramped, awakening me to much pain. I quickly set off so that I could warm up and stretch my legs. The shivabiv lasted about an hour, so later in the night I began to fall asleep while walking. I came upon another shelter which had a nice fire going and lots of folks sleeping. I was going to stop and sleep, but when I asked how far to the checkpoint, the answer was "about eight miles". I decided to keep moving and sleep at franchise business planningborse da tennis

26 February, 2012 15:39  
Blogger kaukenh said...

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27 February, 2012 13:01  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

cellulari dual simRechtsanwalt SiegenDear Sir / Madam
I am writing to inform you of a New Defence and Security Organisation, The UK National Defence Association recently established in the Uk and headed by Senior Members of the Armed Forces, the aim of said Organisation is to Lobby for Better funding for our Armed Services so that they may better be able to Protect this country and Its People.

28 February, 2012 12:27  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

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28 February, 2012 13:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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29 February, 2012 12:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many civilizations rose throughout Ecuador, such as the Valdivia Culture and Machalilla Culture on the coast, the Quitus (near present day Quito) and the Cañari (near present day Cuenca). Each civilization developed its own distinctive architecture, pottery, and religious interests, although consolidated under a confederation called the Shyris which exercised organized trading and bartering between the different regions and whose political and military power was under the rule of the Duchicela blood line before the Inca invasion. website helpbusiness web hosting

29 February, 2012 20:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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01 March, 2012 16:06  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

2006 Kia Optima AC CompressorVA Home LoanThe term Grass Parakeet (or Grasskeet) refers to a large number of small Australian parakeets native to grasslands such as Neophema and Princess Parrot. The Australian rosellas are also parakeets. Many of the smaller, long-tailed species of lories may be referred to as lorikeets.The term Ringnecked Parakeet refers to a species of the Psittacula genus native to Africa and Asia that is popular as a pet and has become feral in many cities. It should not be confused with the Australian Ringneck.

02 March, 2012 18:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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05 March, 2012 06:14  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

Dating GentAmazon Discount CodesStercoreus is considered endangered in a number of European countries. Species of Cyathus are also known as splash cups, which refers to the fact that falling raindrops can knock the peridioles out of the open-cup fruit body. The internal and external surfaces of this cup may be ridged longitudinally (referred to as plicate or striate); this is one example of a taxonomic characteristic that has traditionally served to distinguish between species.

05 March, 2012 09:43  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

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Hello. Glad to know you. I hope you will be interested in this ad. Hopefully it will not bother you.

05 March, 2012 09:51  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

13 March, 2012 05:31  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

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losing weight quicklyCyathus is a genus of fungi in the Nidulariaceae, a family collectively known as the bird's nest fungi. They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing spores. The "eggs", or peridioles, are firmly attached to the inner surface of this fruit body by an elastic cord of mycelia known as a

13 March, 2012 05:35  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

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losing weight quicklyThe term Grass Parakeet (or Grasskeet) refers to a large number of small Australian parakeets native to grasslands such as Neophema and Princess Parrot. The Australian rosellas are also parakeets. Many of the smaller, long-tailed species of lories may be referred to as lorikeets.The term Ringnecked Parakeet refers to a species of the Psittacula genus native to Africa and Asia that is popular as a pet and has become feral in many cities

13 March, 2012 05:36  
Blogger Nguyen Hieu said...

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13 March, 2012 05:38  
Blogger apple said...

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15 March, 2012 12:49  
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16 March, 2012 16:18  
Blogger yeu_yeu said...

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23 March, 2012 21:19  
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24 March, 2012 13:05  
Blogger apple said...

Sorry this isn't about your blog but I have seen your comment about TUPC.
He is still blogging, and you can get his site on:
Totally-un pc.blogspot.com
If this doesn't work go to a blog (police ones) and just click on his name. Any blog site will do, as he usually has a lot to say!!!
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24 March, 2012 23:18  
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25 March, 2012 00:33  
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26 March, 2012 02:28  
Blogger Hieuhap said...

His father was often away from home but sent regular pay cheques to 9 Newcastle Road, Liverpool, where Lennon lived with his mother,[3] but the cheques stopped when he went absent without leave in February 1944.[4][5] When he eventually came home six months later, he offered to look after the family, but Julia—by then pregnant with another man's child—rejected the idea.

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28 March, 2012 02:29  
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28 March, 2012 10:58  
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29 March, 2012 02:17  
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30 March, 2012 08:58  
Blogger Blackcat said...

Police chiefs in the U.S. (who supervise urban police departments) are generally NOT elected. They are appointed by the city government. Sheriffs (who supervise what are usually the rural parts of the county, with a few exceptions, such as Los Angeles County) are usually elected.
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30 March, 2012 12:54  
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03 April, 2012 14:10  
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07 April, 2012 23:36  
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08 April, 2012 09:17  
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Except for the last time I got done for speeding (40mph in a 30 zone). The following week at the exact same location I hadn't learnt my lesson and was doing 40 again, was overtaken by a police car. Less than as mile further on the car parked outside a newsagents and no they did not show down to 30 indicating a cancelled call. Just to be curious I went in to see if they were 'responding' to a shoplifting or something. Nope. Ice cream, choccy and newspapers.

12 April, 2012 03:01  
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13 April, 2012 04:10  
Blogger yeu_yeu said...

In addition, Brazil manages a peacekeeping mission in Haiti ($350 million) and makes in-kind contributions to the World Food Programme ($300 million).[188] This is in addition to humanitarian assistance and contributions to multilateral development agencies. The scale of this aid places it on par with China and India and ahead of many western donors.[188] The Brazilian South-South aid has been described as a "global model in waiting.
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18 April, 2012 11:00  
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18 April, 2012 14:28  
Blogger yeu_yeu said...

The original Indian plate survives as peninsular India, which is the oldest and geologically most stable part of India; it extends as far north as the Satpura and Vindhya ranges in central India. These parallel chains run from the Arabian Sea coast in Gujarat in the west to the coal-rich Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand in the east.
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19 April, 2012 23:22  
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20 April, 2012 17:24  
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20 April, 2012 18:07  
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22 April, 2012 03:52  
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23 April, 2012 11:34  
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23 April, 2012 14:58  
Blogger aloalo said...

In December 1936, Stalin unveiled a new Soviet Constitution. The constitution was seen as a personal triumph for Stalin, who on this occasion was described by Pravda as a "genius of the new world, the wisest man of the epoch, the great leader of communism." By contrast, western historians and historians from former Soviet occupied countries have viewed the constitution as a meaningless propaganda document.
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25 April, 2012 14:37  
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25 April, 2012 22:27  
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26 April, 2012 04:36  
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This arrangement changed in 1540, when Henry VIII ordered the dissolution of the monasteries in England, but personally ensured the School's survival by his royal charter.[21] The College of St. Peter carried on with forty "King's Scholars" financed from the royal purse. During Mary I's brief reign the Abbey was reinstated as a Roman Catholic monastery. The School occupies a number of the buildings vacated by the monks.
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28 April, 2012 02:43  
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28 April, 2012 10:43  
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28 April, 2012 13:51  
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In December 1936, Stalin unveiled a new Soviet Constitution. The constitution was seen as a personal triumph for Stalin, who on this occasion was described by Pravda as a "genius of the new world, the wisest man of the epoch, the great leader of communism." By contrast, western historians and historians from former Soviet occupied countries have viewed the constitution as a meaningless propaganda document.

29 April, 2012 03:52  
Blogger aloalo said...

This was a surprise because previously there had been only lexicostatistical studies[9],[10] which squarely suggested a "West Polynesian" group composed of at least Tongan and Samoan and that an "East Polynesian" group was equally distant from both Tongan and Samoan. Lexicostatistics is a useful tool that helps identity places to start in teasing out linguistic relations through the comparative method of historical linguistics
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02 May, 2012 15:18  
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During flagellar assembly, components of the flagellum pass through the hollow cores of the basal body and the nascent filament. During assembly, protein components are added at the flagellar tip rather than at the base. In vitro, flagellar filaments assemble spontaneously in a solution containing purified flagellin as the sole protein.
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04 May, 2012 10:22  
Blogger hungech said...

Streptophyta to mean the group which excludes the land plants and Charophyta for the stoneworts alone or the stoneworts plus the land plants.) Streptophyte algae are either unicellular or form multicellular filaments, branched or unbranched.

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04 May, 2012 12:12  
Blogger hungech said...

They undergo closed mitosis without centrioles, and typically have mitochondria with flat cristae. The chloroplasts of green plants are surrounded by two membranes, suggesting they originated directly from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.

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04 May, 2012 12:32  
Blogger hungech said...

They are not close relatives of the Archaeplastida, presumably having acquired chloroplasts separately from ingested or symbiotic green and red algae. They are thus not included in even the broadest modern definition of the plant kingdom, although they were in the past.
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04 May, 2012 13:24  
Blogger hungech said...

The green plants or Viridiplantae were traditionally divided into the green algae (including the stoneworts) and the land plants. However, it is now known that the land plants evolved from within a group of green algae, so that the green algae by themselves are a paraphyletic group, i.e. a group which excludes some of the descendants of a common ancestor.
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04 May, 2012 13:33  
Blogger hungech said...

Paraphyletic groups are generally avoided in modern classifications, so that in recent treatments the Viridiplantae have been divided into two clades, the Chlorophyta and the Streptophyta (or Charophyta).
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04 May, 2012 13:36  
Blogger sunghajung said...

The Viridiplantae, the green plants – green algae and land plants – form a clade, a group consisting of all the descendants of a common ancestor. With a few exceptions among the green algae, all green plants have many features in common, including cell walls containing cellulose, chloroplasts containing chlorophylls a and b, and food stores in the form of starch.
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04 May, 2012 14:22  
Blogger sunghajung said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

04 May, 2012 15:13  
Blogger sunghajung said...

Dates (beginning with Ancient Greek) from Wallace, D. B. (1996). Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. p. 12. ISBN 0310218950.
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04 May, 2012 15:15  
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Allowing for their oversight of Arcadian, an obscure mountain dialect, and Cyprian, far from the center of Greek scholarship, this division of people and language is quite similar to the results of modern archaeological-linguistic investigation.
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04 May, 2012 16:02  
Blogger uknowme said...

They undergo closed mitosis without centrioles, and typically have mitochondria with flat cristae. The chloroplasts of green plants are surrounded by two membranes, suggesting they originated directly from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.
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04 May, 2012 16:15  
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The Pella curse tablet is one of the many clear finds which support the idea that the Ancient Macedonian language is closely related to the Doric Greek dialect.
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04 May, 2012 17:03  
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05 May, 2012 07:35  
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05 May, 2012 08:47  
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] He recommended their abolition in favor of reclassifying bananas according to three morphologically distinct cultivars – those primarily exhibiting the botanical characteristics of Musa balbisiana, those primarily exhibiting the botanical characteristics of Musa acuminata, and those with characteristics that are the combination of the twoprivate number plates Asus notebook computers

05 May, 2012 09:44  
Blogger hungech said...

A market based economy may be described as a spatially limited social network where goods and services are freely produced and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (economic agents) by barter or a medium of exchange with a credit or debit value accepted within the network.
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05 May, 2012 18:55  
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Although fungi are opisthokonts—a grouping of evolutionarily related organisms broadly characterized by a single posterior flagellum—all phyla except for the chytrids have lost their posterior flagella.[47] Fungi are unusual among the eukaryotes in having a cell wall that, in addition to glucans (e.g., ß-1,3-glucan) and other typical components, also contains the biopolymer chitin.
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06 May, 2012 11:15  
Blogger hungech said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

06 May, 2012 11:15  
Blogger hungech said...

A shorthand definition of niche is how an organism makes a living. The ecological niche describes how an organism or population responds to the distribution of resources and competitors (e.g., by growing when resources are abundant, and when predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it in turn alters those same factors (e.g., limiting access to resources by other organisms, acting as a food source for predators and a consumer of prey)
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06 May, 2012 11:28  
Blogger hungech said...

In ecology, a niche is a term describing the relational position of a species or population in its ecosystem to each other; e.g. a dolphin could potentially be in another ecological niche from one that travels in a different pod if the members of these pods utilize significantly different food resources and foraging methods.
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07 May, 2012 06:01  
Blogger hungech said...

A shorthand definition of niche is how an organism makes a living. The ecological niche describes how an organism or population responds to the distribution of resources and competitors (e.g., by growing when resources are abundant, and when predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it in turn alters those same factors (e.g., limiting access to resources by other organisms, acting as a food source for predators and a consumer of prey)
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07 May, 2012 06:19  
Blogger uknowme said...

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08 May, 2012 11:27  
Blogger uknowme said...

Police chiefs in the U.S. (who supervise urban police departments) are generally NOT elected. They are appointed by the city government. Sheriffs (who supervise what are usually the rural parts of the county, with a few exceptions, such as Los Angeles County) are usually elected.Chiropractor Fort Collinsmade to measure suit

09 May, 2012 09:18  
Blogger uknowme said...

Cyathus is a genus of fungi in the Nidulariaceae, a family collectively known as the bird's nest fungi. They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing sporespdf search engine

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09 May, 2012 11:21  
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09 May, 2012 12:06  
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The center of diversity of the genus Malus is in eastern Turkey. The apple tree was perhaps the earliest tree to be cultivated,[10] and its fruits have been improved through selection over thousands of yearsEtobicoke Condos For Sale Låna pengar

09 May, 2012 12:11  
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09 May, 2012 17:37  
Blogger uknowme said...

In ecology, a niche is a term describing the relational position of a species or population in its ecosystem to each other; e.g. a dolphin could potentially be in another ecological niche from one that travels in a different pod if the members of these pods utilize significantly different food resources and foraging methods.forex managed accountsColor Brochure Printing

10 May, 2012 09:51  
Blogger uknowme said...

The term Grass Parakeet (or Grasskeet) refers to a large number of small Australian parakeets native to grasslands such as Neophema and Princess Parrot. The Australian rosellas are also parakeets. Many of the smaller, long-tailed species of lories may be referred to as lorikeets.The term Ringnecked Parakeet refers to a species of the Psittacula genus native to Africa and Asia that is popular as a pet and has become feral in many citiesרואה חשבון לעסק קטןReal Estate in El Dorado Hills

10 May, 2012 10:37  
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10 May, 2012 20:21  
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בניית אתריםor Grasskeet) refers to a large number of small Australian parakeets native to grasslands such as Neophema and Princess Parrot. The Australian rosellas are also parakeets. Many of the smaller, long-tailed species of lories may be referred to as lorikeets.The term Ringnecked Parakeet refers to a species of the Psittacula genus native to Africa and Asia that is popular as a pet and has become feral in many citiesרואה חשבון לעסק קטןReal Estate in El Dorado Hills

11 May, 2012 06:35  
Blogger Mr,Bean said...

Les Corts had an initial capacity of 22,000, which was later expanded to 60,000.[16] Jack Greenwell was recruited as the first full-time manager, and the club's fortunes began to improve on the field. During the Gamper era, FC Barcelona won eleven Campionat de Catalunya, six Copas del Rey, and four Pyrenees Cupsvaporizers business broker

11 May, 2012 12:29  
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timeshares is considered endangered in a number of European countries. Species of Cyathus are also known as splash cups, which refers to the fact that falling raindrops can knock the peridioles out of the open-cup fruit body. The internal and external surfaces of this cup may be ridged longitudinally (referred to as plicate or striate); this is one example of a taxonomic characteristic that has traditionally served to distinguish between species.

11 May, 2012 18:49  
Blogger uknowme said...

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom regretted the incident and expressed its condolences to the "families of the victims" and the "emergency agencies that are still working to aid" those in the accident.[17] The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico sent its condolences to the "sister country of Argentina" and hoped for the "speedy recovery of the families and those injured."[18] Pope Benedict XVI sent his condolencesEyebrow Tattooingsoap 

12 May, 2012 12:15  
Blogger aloalo said...

The cabinet is traditionally drawn from members of the Prime Minister's party in both legislative houses, and mostly from the House of Commons, to which they are responsible. Executive power is exercised by the prime minister and cabinet, all of whom are sworn into the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, and become Ministers of the Crown. The Rt. Hon. David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, has been Prime Minister, First Lord of the
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12 May, 2012 15:42  
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15 May, 2012 05:26  
Blogger hungech said...

In ecology, a niche is a term describing the relational position of a species or population in its ecosystem to each other; e.g. a dolphin could potentially be in another ecological niche from one that travels in a different pod if the members of these pods utilize significantly different food resources and foraging methods.
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15 May, 2012 05:46  
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15 May, 2012 10:31  
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16 May, 2012 11:38  
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Pearson was born in the village of Wookey, Somerset to Arthur Cyril and Phillippa Massingberd Maxwell (Lyte) Pearson and educated at the prestigious Winchester College in Hampshire. His father was Rector of Drayton Parslow in Buckinghamshire, England per the District 16, Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, England 1881 Census. His first job was as
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17 May, 2012 20:17  
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The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but it takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in AD 927, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a
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18 May, 2012 05:18  
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19 May, 2012 04:49  
Blogger uknowme said...

Cyathus is a genus of fungi in the Nidulariaceae, a family collectively known as the bird's nest fungi. They are given this name since they resemble tiny bird's nests filled with "eggs", structures large enough to have been mistaken in the past for seeds. However, these are now known to be reproductive structures containing spores. The "eggs", or peridioles, are firmly attached to the inner surface of this fruit body by an elastic cord of mycelia known as a funiculus. The 45 species are widely distributed throughout the world and some are found in most countries, although a few exist in only one or two locales.Long Life Halogen BulbsTummy Tuck

19 May, 2012 09:13  
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