It don't work?

Firstly, she likened it to someone coming into her house and telling her how to cook (what the?). We then saw her going towards a pupil, said something which ended with what sounded like, "'spect" and then touching her clenched fist to that of the little mite. Very "street". Indeed.
Her last comment though, pretty much epitomised everything about why the old system had to be changed in the first place. She looked to camera, blethered something about the new teaching method and then said, simply, "It don't work".
Perhaps if we selected our state sector teachers a little better than this, we would find that it do work. Then instead of it don't working, us could find that it all went a lot more betterer. Isn't it?
I wuz watchin it n all and it got so painful I just had to switch off and enter the dream world of the Internet, it's my only escape.
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