Sod 'im

Bit of a shambolic ending, but I, despite being an opponent of state execution of anyone (even him), will not lose one femtosecond of sleep about his demise. As well as the grumbling about the method of his death, the allegations of it being a show-trial also abound.
Imagine though for one minute, if the prosecuting authority had been the CPS. Saddam was convicted on an exemplar charge relating to the murder of 148 Shias in Dujail, so I guess that's about 5,000 (conservative estimate) murders at Halabja lying on file, not counting the countless (I did say) other murders ordered by this brute. IMAGINE THE TICs! The detection rate would be fantastic! Okay the murder rate not so hot, but how the bean-counters love their TICs!!
Of course, if it really were the CPS doing Saddam's prosecution, it'd end up either being NFA'd or boshed down to an £80 PND for Section 5, Public Order Act [sigh].
Anyway, good riddance Saddam. It's been emotional.
CPS = Crown Prosecution Service a.k.a. Couldn't Prosecute Satan
TIC = [offences] Taken Into Consideration. Clear-up-tastic!
NFA = No Further Action - the CPS's favourite disposal option. Sometimes the "F" stands for something a bit fruitier.
PND = Penalty Notice for Disorder - the paperwork-saving fixed penalty notice for naughtiness, that isn't.
is this before or after the cps demand cctv, numerous witness statements and forensics relating to the original offences
True...all the while sending messages threatening that if you don't comply before the end of that tour of duty they'll be going to the headmaster. (we don't even just get threatened with telling our Sergeants any more - now it's the Senior Management/Command Team who get to hear that we haven't jumped the exact second some civilian has clicked their fingers!)
Prosecution?! Sorry, CPS says "no" [cough]
you have soooooooooo made an error here chaps.
You can't PND an evil genocidal maniac because technically, he doesn't have an abode. there would be no way to collect the non - payment of fines as he is currently the displaced intending occupier of a hole in the ground, (or was till he was hung from a gallows and died.) But the fact still remains, no address suitable for the service of summonses, or for bail, no PND. So get on to CPS direct so that they can say that it is not in the international communities interest and NFA this matter.
If only you'd asked the custody sergeant first!
Hey! I'm looking for some Metropolitan police bloggers to have a chat to - totally anonymous and can be over email - for a Time Out article on the Met. About things like: what you do and don't like about the job, what you think about police being armed, what are your thoughts about the future. Bitsearch/ Kris, you're London based right? It would be great if you could drop me an email - the address is
Cheers! Love the blog!
LawksaLORDY! Did I say "a bit shambolic"?
At least Sod'im got to keep his head , albeit at a peculiar angle - his evil henchman didn't manage that. Oh well. Boo bloody hoo to him too. [where's Pierrepoint when you need him? He'd have done a proper job!!]
I am not a copper.
There was no way that Saddam Hussein and co were ever going to be tried at The Hague after the length of time it took to try Milosevic. He died of old age before the Court made decison so technically he died an innocent man.
There are a few more 'necktie' parties to go yet, including 'Chemical Ali'.
Anon - much as I bitch and grump about it, I do love my job and it is the best job around, so I shall politely decline - more'n my job's worth (although it would be fun and all!!) :o)
Hey! I'm looking for some Metropolitan police bloggers to have a chat to - totally anonymous and can be over email - for a Time Out article on the Met. About things like: what you do and don't like about the job, what you think about police being armed, what are your thoughts about the future. Bitsearch/ Kris, you're London based right? It would be great if you could drop me an email - the address is
Cheers! Love the blog!
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