Call me - and pay up!

But I DO watch television.
Not generally rubbish day-time quiz shows admittedly, but I do watch telly. So when I read, and keep reading about TV companies ripping off members of the public, by getting the fools to call in to competition 'phone lines which have already closed, wickle alarm bells start ringing. If the stories are true, these companies are deliberately misleading the public (that their silly competitions are still running and that a winner hasn't yet been picked) and whilst doing so, gaining money for themselves (/the company). Now I'm no great expert on company liabilities and overlaps with the Trades Description Act, Ofcom, ICSTIS or anything like that, but aren't they committing a Fraud?
Look - under the Fraud Act 2006, "(1) A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of any of the sections listed in subsection (2)....
(2) Fraud by False Representation:
1. A person is in breach of this section if he:
(a) dishonestly makes a false representation, and
(b) intends, by making the representation—
(b) intends, by making the representation—
(i) to make a gain for himself or another, or
(ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
A representation is false if—
(a) it is untrue or misleading, and
(b) the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.
(ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
A representation is false if—
(a) it is untrue or misleading, and
(b) the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.
Now, as I say, I am but a mere woodentop, but doesn't it look like these guys in the TV companies are breaking the new law? I expect questions to be asked in the House.
Labels: Rip-off UK