Know the signs!

Dr John "Taggart" Reid warned Muslim parents that they must look out for the signs of extremism in their offspring. Here are some of the things they need to look for:
- sweating
- glazed eyes
- detachment
- mumbling
- disinterest in schoolwork/job
- spots around the nose and mouth
- smell of solvents
oh er, hang on.... I'm getting confused with glue-sniffers again aren't I?
[well that was the bogeyman when I was a kitten!]
Ah. I'm getting all nostalic now. I've not seen a glue sniffer in years. Very early 80s. Since then pretty much displaced by cheap wine and/or cannabis.
Ah glue - the olde worlde equivalent of alcopops.
Your list of clues to spot a glue sniffer was quite accurate. Of course the big giveaway was when they were seen staggering about the swingpark with their head down inhaling deeply from the poly bag of glue and were totally unaware of their impending arrest.
Your list of clues to spot a glue sniffer was quite accurate. Of course the big giveaway was when they were seen staggering about the swingpark with their head down inhaling deeply from the poly bag of glue and were totally unaware of their impending arrest.
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